The best mornings begin around a Skype conversation
with our 3.5 year old granddaughter. She usually shows
us her guinea pigs and her latest drawings.
What has come to be our favorite lunch spot. "The
noodle shop in the soi" He cooks, she washes dishes and
they seem to have done alright for themselves. Witness
the rather nice (by our standards) little house.
With a half dozen tables and a tasty product, they are
seldom without customers. But at less than a dollar
per serving, one wonders how they do it.
A Sunday afternoon Jazz in the Park led to this
encore Christmas program across town. Many of
the Payup University Jazz Band members had to
leave early for their commitment with this event.
We went also, catching the last of the mass at Sacred
Heart Catholic Church. I chose the harp pictures
for our Bridgeville friends and devoted harpists, Lynne
and Michael
At the zoo, the ever graceful giraffes are my favorite. Probably
because they are Anya's all-time, very favorite animal.
We had been telling our granddaughter, Anya that
we would be going to the zoo soon. Chaing Mai has
a pretty nice zoo (as zoo's go) For more photos, see
our Picasa web page. I paid 10 baht for some carrots
and sweet potatoes which quite interested this beastie.
I am able to get up enough nerve to approach an
optical shop for an exam and new glasses. It was
a very pleasant and easy experience and of course
the best part was the price. The exam, new frames
with progressive and chromatic lenses for under
$140US. The real treat was that the prescription
had changed enough since my last pair 7 years ago
that I can now see distances a great deal better.
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