Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nov/Dec 2009 A Different Kind of Journey

Indeed! Things had changed a bit. I was able to spend some good family time: one birthday as well as Thanksgiving. I ended up staying almost a whole month.

Among the things I was able to accomplish were:
  1. Dad enrolled in VA and had first physical exam.
  2. Applied with Area III on Aging -- Meals on Wheels 3x/week.
  3. Decluttered back room and Dad’s office as well as some clothes closets
  4. disposed of boxes of outdated supplements and other assorted items – at least 10 banana boxes
  5. organized a file for money management/ collected statements from since 2007 and before.
  6. engaged housekeeper/eldercare person of Pat’s recommendation 2hr/day 5 days a week and oriented her
  7. set up pill box and reminder list system for meds
  8. Cooked lunch & dinner meals most of the time.
  9. got Dad in the habit of fixing their own breakfasts – albeit only instant oatmeal
  10. got dad using his cell phone again
  11. Arranged for Mom to meet new Doctor – provided background, list of Rx and list of family concerns.
  12. programmed "home" and other common destinations into a GPS for getting around town
Like many diseases, there were good days and bad days.

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